From the movie and the book: " Conversations with God " by Neale D. Walsch.
If someone says he talks to God, no one has anything to say but if I say that God answers me, take me for crazy. "
God not you had enough yet? Have not you had enough yet? Are you ready now? Want to really know answers to questions you're asking Neale?
What do not you answer? You've done a lot of questions. You are angry. And now I wonder if you really want to know the answers to the questions you're asking, or are you just kidding.
Neale: I'm going crazy.
God I know what you're thinking. I talk to everyone all the time, with the voice of each of you. The question is: "Who listen to me?"
God E 'was shouted from the highest mountain in the most humblest has heard his whisper. Along the canals of all human experience is echoed this truth. The answer is "Love."
God You have shown me over the role of father and have shaped the idea of \u200b\u200ba God who judges and rewards and punishes. You created the love around a reality based on fear, and this reality based on fear dominates your experience of love. E 'that gives this impression. And 'the fear that you need to be, do, have what is intrinsically right? You must be threatened to be good? And what it means to be good? Who will speak the final word on this subject? I give the answer I
. You determine your own rules. You are to set guidelines. Love is all that exists. I know, you have already heard and even read how many times, but when faced difficulties, worries, doubts or fears, you prefer to forget. What you should do instead is to answer this simple question: "What would now love?".
God Live your life without expectations, without the need for specific results. This is freedom.
God Remember, you are constantly the act of creating yourself. At any time you decide who and what you are. Is up to through the choices you make in relation to people and things where you try to passion.
Neale: I am a bit ' concerned about what will people think when I say that I have a conversation with you.
God The concern is the activity of a mind that does not include his relationship with me.
Neale: Yeah!
God Remember the question "What would now love?
Neale: Of course!
God: Neale Answer this question, and I'll be there, and always, in any way.
God The suffering has nothing to do with the events, but with the reaction that everyone has towards them. What happens, is just what happens, but how we perceive it is another matter.
Neale: I want it just my life.
God You can not have everything you want.
Neale: Excuse me?!
God Sorry for what?
Neale: I can not have everything I want?
God 's true.
Neale: What?
God You can not have everything you want!
Neale: I can not have everything I want!
God Exactly.
Neale: But this makes no sense.
God: He who has . Your request is a statement that something is missing, and the stated produce that precise experience, the sense of lack in your reality.
Neale: Right.
God: So where punish you because you made a choice that I have put myself in the face?! That is the question you need to reply before assigning the role of a God who condemns.
God Countless times I've begged you to show me, to explain, to tell me. And now I'm doing it so clearly that you can not misunderstand. I'm here, right here. Now.
It 's time to retire your divine space. Now more than ever. This will bring you great peace of mind, and spirit in peace great ideas flowing. Ideas that might be the solution the biggest problems that you think you have.
God I think for me this is a problem too big to solve? That out of this chaos, to me, is too difficult? I understand that you think is too hard for you, despite all the tools you've provided, but you really believe it is too difficult for me?
Neale: sometimes take me to exasperation.
God I think this is good.
What do not you answer? You've done a lot of questions. You are angry. And now I wonder if you really want to know the answers to the questions you're asking, or are you just kidding.
Neale: I'm going crazy.
God I know what you're thinking. I talk to everyone all the time, with the voice of each of you. The question is: "Who listen to me?"
God E 'was shouted from the highest mountain in the most humblest has heard his whisper. Along the canals of all human experience is echoed this truth. The answer is "Love."
God You have shown me over the role of father and have shaped the idea of \u200b\u200ba God who judges and rewards and punishes. You created the love around a reality based on fear, and this reality based on fear dominates your experience of love. E 'that gives this impression. And 'the fear that you need to be, do, have what is intrinsically right? You must be threatened to be good? And what it means to be good? Who will speak the final word on this subject? I give the answer I
. You determine your own rules. You are to set guidelines. Love is all that exists. I know, you have already heard and even read how many times, but when faced difficulties, worries, doubts or fears, you prefer to forget. What you should do instead is to answer this simple question: "What would now love?".
God Live your life without expectations, without the need for specific results. This is freedom.
God Remember, you are constantly the act of creating yourself. At any time you decide who and what you are. Is up to through the choices you make in relation to people and things where you try to passion.
Neale: I am a bit ' concerned about what will people think when I say that I have a conversation with you.
God The concern is the activity of a mind that does not include his relationship with me.
Neale: Yeah!
God Remember the question "What would now love?
Neale: Of course!
God: Neale Answer this question, and I'll be there, and always, in any way.
God The suffering has nothing to do with the events, but with the reaction that everyone has towards them. What happens, is just what happens, but how we perceive it is another matter.
Neale: I want it just my life.
God You can not have everything you want.
Neale: Excuse me?!
God Sorry for what?
Neale: I can not have everything I want?
God 's true.
Neale: What?
God You can not have everything you want!
Neale: I can not have everything I want!
God Exactly.
Neale: But this makes no sense.
God: He who has . Your request is a statement that something is missing, and the stated produce that precise experience, the sense of lack in your reality.
Neale: Right.
God: So where punish you because you made a choice that I have put myself in the face?! That is the question you need to reply before assigning the role of a God who condemns.
God Countless times I've begged you to show me, to explain, to tell me. And now I'm doing it so clearly that you can not misunderstand. I'm here, right here. Now.
It 's time to retire your divine space. Now more than ever. This will bring you great peace of mind, and spirit in peace great ideas flowing. Ideas that might be the solution the biggest problems that you think you have.
God I think for me this is a problem too big to solve? That out of this chaos, to me, is too difficult? I understand that you think is too hard for you, despite all the tools you've provided, but you really believe it is too difficult for me?
Neale: sometimes take me to exasperation.
God I think this is good.
Neale: I do not understand what you want from me?
God Neale ... I have misunderstood you . And also you have misunderstood yourself. I do not I want nothing but your happiness. But do you believe to be submitted to me, when we're all one. There is no separation. I want for you what you want for you, nothing more, nothing less.
God I'm not interested in your worldly success, only you are. You do not have to worry about how to proceed. True masters are those who have chosen to live, not survive. Go ahead. Do whatever you really love. Do not do anything else. You have so little time. How can you even think of wasting a moment doing something that you do not like? This is not living, this is to die.
God Neale ... I have misunderstood you . And also you have misunderstood yourself. I do not I want nothing but your happiness. But do you believe to be submitted to me, when we're all one. There is no separation. I want for you what you want for you, nothing more, nothing less.
God I'm not interested in your worldly success, only you are. You do not have to worry about how to proceed. True masters are those who have chosen to live, not survive. Go ahead. Do whatever you really love. Do not do anything else. You have so little time. How can you even think of wasting a moment doing something that you do not like? This is not living, this is to die.

From the film "7 km from Jerusalem" Claudio Malaponti
I declare it now: I do not read horoscopes, we're alone in ' Universe, I do not evolve into a butterfly or a saint, I need evidence to believe.
I did not have big power or big money, no scars heroic epic temptations I can not tell or ideas that have resulted in changes but sometimes I have had the courage, the real one.
not the courage of our time, who faces a nerve when an inspection of VAT is a fighter who hits and a budget of billions is a hero.
I lived episodes and met people who I considered "normal", but "normal" were not.
I know now!
were indicators, models were VALUES.
Those meetings were probably not random, and someone somewhere, someone would notice.
The story I'm about to tell would be incredible, it is even for me that I lived.
... And 'very mysterious reason that led me to walk on the trail that leads from Jerusalem to Emmaus ... ...
It was then that I had the first failure and I was afraid
... From that moment begins to have thoughts that I had never belonged
... ....
I did not have big power or big money, no scars heroic epic temptations I can not tell or ideas that have resulted in changes but sometimes I have had the courage, the real one.
not the courage of our time, who faces a nerve when an inspection of VAT is a fighter who hits and a budget of billions is a hero.
I lived episodes and met people who I considered "normal", but "normal" were not.
I know now!
were indicators, models were VALUES.
Those meetings were probably not random, and someone somewhere, someone would notice.
The story I'm about to tell would be incredible, it is even for me that I lived.
... And 'very mysterious reason that led me to walk on the trail that leads from Jerusalem to Emmaus ... ...
It was then that I had the first failure and I was afraid
... From that moment begins to have thoughts that I had never belonged
... ....
but there was something new in those days and the worst
the temptation to "surrender"
I wanted to be invisible, stress, depression, tried to defend myself ...
... I do not believe in
these things ... I need proof to believe
I wanted to be invisible, stress, depression, tried to defend myself ...
... I do not believe in
these things ... I need proof to believe

From the film "Music For A Heart"
"Why only some of us feel?"
"Just listen to some of us!"
Wanting to be less serious is also in Shrek Karaoke MILANESE!!
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